Sunday 8 April 2012

What "Balz and All" is all about...

As football fan, I spend a lot of my time reading blogs online and analysis from other football websites and learning more about the game.  With technology being as good as it is right now and it allowing strangers from remote places to communicate with each other, I realized that this would be a good platform to air my views on the beautiful game.  In England you can find thousands of football bloggers but, after quite a search on Google, I failed to find even 5 active blogs in South Africa.  I guess we just haven't caught the bug yet, or we just prefer to get views and information from "traditional" sources like journalists that are employed by profit-driven entities.

The aim of the blog is to air my views on current issues in South African soccer and problem in the game. This will be from a coach's perspective and from a supporter's perspective.  I also will share a few personal stories that have nothing to do with soccer because this blog will also document a few memorable moments of my life. That is why the blog is called "Balz and all" - the blog talks about soccer (yes, we also talk about characters like "I do hav Balz" Majoro) and also about what happens off-the-field, football related or not.

So, lets connect on twitter @Tom_18Yards and talk football and whatever rocks your boat. 

I still wonder why there is not much of a blogging culture in South Africa. The youth especially should be sharing their experiences and views on such an easy and cheap platform in my opinion.

Remember this disclaimer in future, I am responsible for what I say, not what you understand.

For the record, my real name is Thomas Monyepao.  Tom Moneypower is a name that came about because most people (like some of you just now) struggle to say my surname.  The Moneypower came about in high school stuck.

Til next time.

Thomas "I too have Balz" Monyepao

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